
How to Recycle Correctly in New York City

If you aren't recycling the right way, then you might as well not be recycling.

Everyone knows recycling is important, but how much of the waste in your recycling bin truly ends up being recycled?

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COVID-19 - Part 2: New York is the Epicenter of the World

As of this writing, New York State contains approximately 33% of all cases in the United States and 10% of all cases in the world.

By Anthony Lee, MD

Faculty, Harvard Medical School

As we make our way through this pandemic, the large number of cases in the United States has caught our attention and prompted much discussion. Part 2 of this series will not only update the first article, "COVID-19: Tracking the Changes," but will describe the trends of cases and deaths and their rates of change. It will also differentiate between New York State and the rest of the United States.

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COVID-19 From Perspective of a Healthcare Professional | Why The Metaphor of War Is Inaccurate

How do we contextualize an unprecedented moment in American history?

As a healthcare worker with more than three decades of training and clinical work under my belt, I have a few thoughts about this moment in American history:
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The Trick To Renovating Your Bathroom In No Time

Block Renovation's got you covered.

Home renovations can be a nightmare - Having to find and coordinate meetings with designers and contractors, sourcing and scheduling materials, not to mention having to sacrifice your home for weeks.

Update: Get a free estimate when you take the 3 minute quiz.

The stress and expense of it all makes you wonder if it's even worth it. Plus, we've all heard the inflated costs that continue to increase throughout the project.

Thankfully, Block Renovation makes the process so seamless with their technology, network of contractors, and sourcing of material that you can plan your whole renovation virtually from the comfort of your couch.

With Block, you get the whole package of at home consultations (in-person or with video), architect-grade designs & drawings, materials sourcing, and a ready-to-build contractor. Their process is 3 times faster than average.

Here are 3 reasons Block Renovation is the place to go for bathroom and kitchen renovations:


With Block, the whole process is technology based, you enter details that generates a quote online and a Block Project Planner will quickly get in touch to schedule a video consultation to see your space and hear about your objectives.Block then refines the proposal and sends it within 24 hours.

After a design session either in person or over video, your designer follows up with a package containing everything you need to get your renovation project going - design renders, building approval documents, a build manual, and a construction timeline.

Block orders and schedules the delivery for all materials needed so you don't have to source them yourself or deal with backorders like you would with most renovation projects. The contractors are all vetted and briefed on your project with an up-front timeline.


Block Renovation is 3 times faster than the national average when it comes to renovation. Their average build time for a bathroom is 4 weeks! Compared to the national average of 16 weeks, which is due to its convenient, seamless process. You can literally apply online in a few minutes, and once you send your videos and photos, they get back to you in 24 hours.

With other renovations, the estimated date of completion can change as complications arise.


With most renovation companies, it's likely that the price given upfront is only an estimate. With lots of competition, other companies bid with optimistic numbers that can change along the way.

Block Renovation is completely clear and realistic with price. They are more accurate and reasonable with pricing because they have pre-negotiated rates with their roster of contractor partners.

Block Renovation supports you and your assigned builder from start to finish, ensuring there are no delays. This can save you more than 60 hours of personal time trying to manage and organize the whole project.

There really is no better option than Block Renovation when it comes to high-end bathroom and kitchen renovations.

Block is extending a special offer to our readers! Start planning your project with Block and receive an exclusive $3,000 renovation discount through the end of December.

The Full Breakdown of the 2020 Candidates' Dance Moves

Because the American people deserve to know

With less than a month left until the Iowa caucuses officially kick off primary season, it seems like we've spent the last decade slowly whittling away at an endless list of candidates.

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How Community Organizers Chased Amazon Out of NYC

On Valentine's Day, Amazon pulled out of its plan to build a second headquarters in Queens, citing the efforts of citizen protestors and politicians who opposed its imminent arrival.

The moment Amazon announced that it would be building its second headquarters in NYC's Long Island City, people took to the streets.

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Male, Female, or X? New York City Will Add A Third Option to Birth Certificates

Come Jan. 1, 2019, the non-binary marker will become a NYC milestone

Along with California, Washington, New Jersey, and Oregon, NYC is moving away from pre-determined gender identification at birth by adding an "X" option to birth certificates along with "male" and "female." This is a huge step towards greater equality and dignity, not only for transgender and nonconforming New Yorkers, but for the next generation, who will now have the ability to start their lives without a label to live up to. As The Source explains, "The option could be used by parents of intersex children or by parents who want their child to be able to choose a gender at a later date," as well.

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