

How the Internet Is Changing Your Brain

In a way, we're all living in the matrix: going through our days within an illusion of freedom when really our lives are completely dictated by technology.

Updated: 3/18/2024

40-odd years ago, there was no such thing as a cell phone, and the only computers in existence took up entire rooms. Then the World Wide Web was born.

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Hundreds of Unmarked Graves Have Been Found at Canadian Residential Schools. What Happens Now?

Warning: This article discusses sexual and physical violence, child abuse, and cultural genocide.

From around 1823 until they were officially shut down in 1996, residential schools operated in almost every province and territory in Canada.

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Most Notorious Acts of Ecoterrorism

Ecoterrorism is the world's biggest threat.

Extinction Rebellion and other activist groups have been making headlines for disrupting traffic and confronting politicians about the environmental crisis that our planet is facing.

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Dear Fossil Fuel Executives: How Can You Live With Yourselves?

Horrific heat waves across the nation, leaving hundreds dead. Wildfires tearing apart the American West. Billions of shellfish died in the Pacific in a mass die-off. All of this within the past week. Another destructive hurricane season is incoming.

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Andrew Yang Should Not Become New York's Mayor

"Times Square," said Andrew Yang in a recent interview with Ziwe. "What's not to like?"

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Debate Night: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bernie Sanders, and the Earth Vs. Space Question

On March 22nd, Senator Bernie Sanders and Elon Musk entered a debate over the fate of the world.

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What You Need to Know About the Senate Filibuster

Lately, a lot of conversation has been bubbling up about the Senate filibuster.

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The Trump Administration Just Executed Lisa Montgomery

Content Warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of abuse and sexual violence.

Lisa Montgomery is the first woman to be executed by the federal government since 1953.

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Why the Georgia Runoffs Are So Important

This year, on January 5th, Georgia voters will participate in a runoff election to select their state senators. But why is this race so important, important enough to make national news and urgent enough that celebrities and activist groups around the nation are rallying to make sure as many voters as possible get out to the polls?

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What's Going On with the Opioid Crisis?

The Justice Department is suing Walmart, alleging that the company helped fuel the opioid crisis that's been devastating America for years.
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