
How to Be a Transgender Ally

In a time when trans people's safety, security, and integrity are subject to attack, here are the top 10 tips to being a good transgender ally.

Updated: June 2024

In today's destabilized political climate, social progress in inclusivity and acceptance can seem glacially slow.

On January 22, 2019, the Supreme Court allowed President Trump to ban transgender persons from serving in the military, despite a 2018 federal court ruling against it. LGBTQ+ activists condemn the ban as cruel and prejudiced, but people outside the queer community can play a crucial role in combating transphobia.

Fortunately, President Biden in January 2021 issued an Executive Order enabling all qualified Americans to openly serve their country in uniform. These changes restored the original 2016 policies allowing transgender personnel to serve openly and receive appropriate medical care and support for gender transition (MyArmyBenefits).

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Virginia Could Become the First Southern State to Pass Anti-Discrimination Laws

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Fox News Boycotts Twitter–to Everyone's Relief

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The National Importance of Massachusetts' Question 3

Transgender rights are human rights.

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Rest in Peace, Matthew Shepard

A victim of anti-gay hate, the LGBT icon's ashes are interred in Washington, DC.

Twenty years ago this month, a young gay man named Matthew Shepard was beaten and left for dead tied to a fence in Laramie, Wyoming.

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