
Why We're Trying to Have Kids While the World Falls Apart

The decision to have children carries huge moral, financial, and ecological implications, but they aren't enough to dissuade us

Kurt Vonnegut once wrote of a discussion with friend and fellow author William Styron, in which they tried to determine what portion of the people on Earth have lives worth living.

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CDC Warns Untreatable Illness Is Afflicting U.S. Children

The rare condition is known to have polio-like symptoms, but no vaccine and no treatment.

An untreatable illness is afflicting young children at an alarming rate in the U.S. this year.

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The Move to Ban Homework and Why it Matters

Opponents say too much homework is killing children's free time and adding unnecessary stress. But is there any evidence to support this?

As the 2017-18 school year heads into the home stretch, kids everywhere yearn for the glorious days and nights free of the dreaded "H-word."

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What Water Holds – on memory, perseverance and action

A mother's reflection in the wake of yet another school shooting.

Several months ago, I heard an interview on NPR with a woman who said that water carries memory. When the water freezes, the memories it carries are held in place, and when the ice melts, those memories are released. I don't remember which NPR show this was, nor do I remember the woman's name or what she was being interviewed about, except that she was in the arts, perhaps theater, or music, and she was talking about her most recent project. But, I remembered this one thing she said; that water carries memories, which are held and released, and held and released with the cycling of seasons.

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