
What Does Freedom Truly Mean?

The meaning of freedom varies from person to person, so what does it mean for all?

Freedom is a fundamental element of liberty. It's a concept, a value, a feeling.

"The Four Freedoms are fundamentally at odds. Freedom of speech and worship involve only the individual who makes a choice to act – or not to act – while freedom from want and fear requires society to take collective action, and for us to be responsible for one another. The freedom we enjoy as individuals is possible only in and through our community." – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
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Why Loving Trump Is Like Loving a Serial Killer

The gap is growing wider and wider between Trump supporters and those who don't understand them. Here, we peer out across the gap, into the unknown shadowlands of the Trumpian psyche.

Studying the perspectives of Trump supporters can feel like researching the psychology of serial killers. Of course, Americans are naturally fascinated by serial killers—a fact that could potentially tell us something about the people who love Trump.

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Top 5 Countries With the Most Freedom

Where are the freest places to live in terms of individual rights, economic freedoms, and political protections?

From "Brexit" to Brazil's election of Jair Bolsonaro, from Donald Trump's controversial stances to historic protests in the streets of Paris, political upsets and cultural shifts across the world have altered what it means to be a modern citizen. Interpretations of "liberty" and personal freedom will always vary between cultures and governments' ideologies, but where are the freest places to live in terms of individual rights, economic freedoms, and political protections, including social tolerance?

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Liberty Project April Time Capsule: A Look Back in History

Liberty Project Takes A Look Back: These are significant U.S. events from the month of April over the years...

Liberty Project Time Capsule: A Look Back in History

On April 17, 1989 – Polish labor union Solidarity attained legal status after years of struggle, making way for the downfall of the Polish Communist Party.

On April 18 1776 – Paul Revere and William Dawes rode out of Boston at night to warn patriots at Lexington and Concord that the British were coming.

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