
Youth in Revolt: A Look At The Youth Movements That Changed The World

Movements that seek progressive social reform tend to be led by young people.

Updated 3/18/2024

From the Magna Carta to the Civil Rights movement, social change has most often come at the edge of a sword or the end of a gun barrel. Each right, privilege, and freedom that we hold dear, however fledgling, was earned through collective action. The 8-hour work week, public schooling and so many of the things we take for granted were hard-won. I can think of no example when social change happened via inertia.

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Here's a List of the People Who Made This Happen

Brett Kavanaugh is now a Supreme Court Justice.

Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed by a margin of 50-48.

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The Presidential Alert System: Why Donald Trump is Texting You

At approximately 2:18 PM today, every cellphone in America received a message testing this new system.

The current chapter of American history feels like a piece of speculative fiction, something resembling a joke we collectively forgot the punchline to. In the past two months alone, we've watched our Commander-in-Chief demolish a foreign economy via Twitter, fall in love with a voluptuous beauty, and nominate a gang rapist to the Supreme Court.

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Seven NYPD Officers and 40 Others Arrested in Prostitution Bust

Earlier today, seven members of the NYPD were arrested, one of whom is a retired vice detective. The vice detective, who is married to a prostitute, teamed up with his wife to start two brothels, one in Sunset Park, Brooklyn and one on Roosevelt Avenue in Queens. As a result, there are 30 other officers currently under investigation by the Department of Internal Affairs.

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AI and the Hiring Process

Are games and algorithms the future of the interview process?

Even if you're qualified for the position you're applying for, many feel the interview process is a nerve-wracking experience, one that forces the interviewee to answer a series of exacting questions that have no real relevance to her ability to perform the job. From the employer side, things aren't much easier.
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The Grey Wolf Makes a Triumphant Return to Southern France

After years of living wolf-free, sheep herders are being forced to deal with their old enemy once again.

The battle between wolves and farmers has been going on since the beginning of time, and has been largely uninterrupted over the course of American history. Unlike the U.S., Western Europe, over the course of the twentieth century, has hunted these predators to the point of near-extinction.
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Daniel Ortega: From Revolutionary to Oppressor

Ortega's found it difficult to live up to his revolutionary ideals now that he's in charge.

Following years of occupation under Napoleon's armies during the Peninsular War, the Spanish Empire was severely crippled. In the decades that followed, many of Spain's colonies, emboldened by their years of self-governance during the Napoleonic wars, began splitting off and declaring independence.

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The Magnetic Poles Might Reverse: Please Don't Panic

It's not the end of the world, but there could be some changes.

According to NASA, the Earth's magnetic poles are due for a shakeup, one that could prompt them to flip 180˚. I know, this sounds bad. First things first–and this may sound supremely obvious or very reassuring based on your level of knowledge on the subject–the flipping of the magnetic poles will not result in any of the following:

A. A chain eruption of the world's volcanoes

B. Massive earthquakes and tsunamis

C. A complete technological breakdown a la Y2K

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A New Type of Mannequin: The Rise of the CGI Influencer

Clothing companies have found a brand new way to market their wares.

In the years since Instagram's founding, the site has slowly transformed from a forum where users post pictures instead of status updates into a whirlwind of native advertising. Influencers jostle for space on cluttered timelines, repping the newest clothing or gadgets, showing off luxurious lifestyles to their many followers.

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Global Alliances and America's Rise to Prominence

America didn't come to rule the world over night.

Henry Kissinger is often thought of as the originator of realpolitik–political action dictated by circumstance and pragmatism rather than ideologies or ethics–but this couldn't be further from the truth. From Sun Tzu to Machiavelli to Thomas Hobbes, philosophers and political theorists alike have been advocating for a more practical politics for thousands of years, and their edicts have had profound effects on the way in which global alliances have shifted throughout history. Inasmuch as it takes a powerful nation to create powerful enemies, it's worth examining America's rise to alliance breaker/maker, a rise that's rooted in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

A story:

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