
We Now Have 18 Months to Combat the Worst of the Climate Crisis

To keep the earth's temperatures from rising, serious changes need to happen over the next year and a half.

While Robert Mueller and Donald Trump dominate the public's attention, experts have quietly come to the consensus that we have around 18 months to stop the worst effects of climate change.

Last year, a study by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that in order to prevent catastrophic warming, we need to cut carbon emissions by 45% by 2030. Today, political theorists believe that in order to achieve that goal, we must immediately begin implementing the political structures that will allow us to reach it.

At a reception for the Commonwealth foreign ministers, Prince Charles spoke out in support of climate action. "I am firmly of the view that the next 18 months will decide our ability to keep climate change to survivable levels and to restore nature to the equilibrium we need for our survival," he said.

'It's happening, it's now,' says U.S. government report on climate

A Critical Time

So, why are the next 18 months so vital for the future of the earth's climate? During the next year and a half, a series of important political meetings and conventions will take place. On September 23, the UN will hold a special climate summit in New York, where attending countries are expected to present their emission-cutting plans. Then the UN's annual climate change summit, known as the COP25, will be held in Santiago, Chile in December 2019. Finally, the COP26 will take place at the end of 2020, most likely in the UK.

Image via Twitter

According to Environmental Secretary Micheal Gobe, the importance of these meetings cannot be understated. "We need at COP26 to ensure other countries are serious about their obligations and that means leading by example," he said. "Together we must take all the steps necessary to restrict global warming to at least 1.5C."

Depending on what happens at these meetings during the next 18 months, we could see plans like the Green New Deal set into motion. On the other hand, if a climate change denier remains in the US office, the UK summit could be the moment where the US formally withdraws from the Paris agreement (which proposed the bare minimum carbon emission cuts needed to prevent extreme consequences from climate change).

No Choice but Change

If these conferences fail to spark large-scale action, "we will have no chance of getting to a 1.5 or 2C limit," said Professor Michael Jacobs, a former climate advisor to the Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

There are several other conferences happening in the next year and a half, namely the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, both of which are expected to craft plans to protect our livelihoods. It's promising that all these conferences are occurring. Still, many fear that they will not push for action radical enough to meet the 1.5 degree goal.

If the goal is not met, the consequences will be unimaginable. More natural disasters (like the wildfires we're seeing right now in Alaska) would ravage coastlines and could destroy entire nations. Chronic refugee crises would ensue. Disease would flourish. One in four animal species would go extinct.

Judging by the current state of politics and carbon emissions (India is on track to overshoot its Paris Agreement goal by 60%), things are looking bleak. Fortunately, a rise in activism and protest—helmed by figures like Greta Thunberg and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—has drawn much needed political attention to the climate crisis. Still, it's not enough: In order to ensure a livable future for the earth, people around the world must come together and force their representatives and nations to listen to science and reason.

Image via World Economic Forum

The Truth About Kibble and Why Our Dogs Deserve Better

I had no idea what I was doing when I got my first dog, Holly, but my husband had over 14 dogs growing up so when we started dating, I felt she was in good hands. He had always fed his dogs kibble, so Holly (and later, our second dog, Hugo) ate the same way. But something wasn't right. Hugo was gassy and Holly vomited often. We spent so much time and money at the vet trying to figure out what was wrong with them, but kept hearing about more frightening theories and serious tests we'd have to run! And recently, I saw a horrifying story on ABC 7 about how dogs have been poisoned by their kibble. In one record-breaking year, 8,000 pets died after being poisoned by their food, and more recently, 27 brands of dog food were pulled from warehouses for containing pentobarbital, a sedative used to euthanize pets. That was the final straw for my family and kibble.

Many people assume their dog food is safe because of the FDA and the AAFCO, but health and safety has been a problem for years, and the legislation isn't always followed. So, how can you keep your pup safe? Read the labels and buy human-grade dog food. That's where OIlie comes in. Ollie is a dog food company that is committed to being completely transparent by listing every ingredient in their food and working to educate dog owners. It was a bit on the pricey side compared with kibble, but my husband and I didn't need much convincing after we saw the news about poisons found in store-bought kibble, and how changing to human-grade food has been proven to help improve your dog's health.

The team at Ollie takes all factors into consideration to provide the right caloric intake and nutrient balance for each individual dog. And that personalized attention pays off. After a few weeks of feeding Ollie dog food to Holly and Hugo, we've seen the difference that healthier ingredients can make. You can't always trust what's on the label of your dog food. Almost all shelf-stable commercial pet foods contain processed grains, which are terrible for a dog's GI, as Holly and Hugo have experienced. Protein-rich foods are much better for dogs, resulting in more energy and less digestive issues. The kibble industry often classifies dog food as "feed," and the regulations behind pet food is nothing like the regulations for human food. Kibble companies don't even have to ensure the same safety standards that "human-grade" food promises. Just like humans do, dogs feel a difference when they eat fresh meals full of real ingredients (and when they aren't being poisoned!). But it can be very difficult to know where to start and how to meet your dog's nutritional requirements for essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, so Ollie takes care of all that.

Besides the peace of mind for me and the dogs loving the food, the main benefits Ollie boasts are health-related, and the food is even backed by canine nutritionists. An all-natural, unprocessed diet can help prevent and treat disease and can help with managing and maintaining your dog's weight. It can also improve their GI tract because when you put the right ingredients into your dog's system, they are able to digest their food better. Having an antioxidant-rich diet can even make your pup smarter, while the filler-free ingredients full of healthy fats can help improve your dog's skin and coat. These things can, in turn, increase your dog's lifespan (my favorite perk!)

The real proof that Ollie works is that Holly doesn't vomit anymore! And our Hugo's poo is also nowhere near as smelly. In fact, even when they use the wee-wee pad, the apartment doesn't stink anymore! It's amazing how much your dog's diet can better their lives, and yours too.

After feeding our dogs Ollie for over a month, Holly and Hugo are noticeably healthier, with shinier coats, less digestive issues and more energy, and we're a happier family as a result. My husband won't feed them kibble anymore, and even convinced my in-laws to start giving Ollie to their two dogs, Libby and Moxie. I can't believe the crap we were feeding to our beloved pups. Our days of kibble are over, and it's clear my dogs are pretty excited about it too. They haul butt to the kitchen when we put down Ollie's human-grade dog food. My whole family- dogs included- recommends Ollie without hesitation.

Update: The folks at Ollie are extending a special offer to our readers. Follow this link to get 50% off your first Ollie delivery!