
10 Books Every (Informed) American Should Read

In 2024, the equivalency of knowledge and power is not just an adage, but a warning. However, an American public that stays defiantly informed can also turn knowledge into hope.

Author Isaac Asimov once said, "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been.

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8K Writers Can’t Be Wronged - AI Platforms “Scraping” & Stealing Bestselling Books

Close to 8 thousand writers recently signed a letter from The Authors Guild protesting the unauthorized use of their stories.

Technology is inescapably linked to the art and craft of writing. Humanity’s desire to share and preserve its thoughts, its pleasures, its discoveries, its knowledge, and its very survival led to hieroglyphics, the development of paper and ink, to the printing press, the typewriter, and the computer. Technology’s traditional aim was to make it faster and easier to create and disseminate the written word. Now it seems technology’s out to eliminate writers altogether.

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