
8 Places That No Longer Exist Due to Climate Change

Climate change is happening right now, and it's already destroying people's livelihoods.

Climate change is often framed as a problem of the future—something that "will happen" if we fail to act.

But the truth is that climate change is happening right now, and it's already destroying livelihoods. Climate change is the droughts, the hurricanes, the wildfires, and the floods that are occurring with increasing frequency. It's the extreme heat, which is debilitating to some but which others can easily drown out with air conditioning.

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The Seven Strangest Collections in the World

It's amazing what people will hold onto.

At some point or another we've all had an older relative, maybe an uncle or a grandparent, implore us to start collecting stamps or rare coins. It's always the same dubious story about how these collectibles will appreciate in value over the years. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. Either way, this doesn't really seem like a determining factor of why we, as a species, find it necessary to hoard ostensibly useless objects.

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