
What Does Freedom Truly Mean?

The meaning of freedom varies from person to person, so what does it mean for all?

Freedom is a fundamental element of liberty. It's a concept, a value, a feeling.

"The Four Freedoms are fundamentally at odds. Freedom of speech and worship involve only the individual who makes a choice to act – or not to act – while freedom from want and fear requires society to take collective action, and for us to be responsible for one another. The freedom we enjoy as individuals is possible only in and through our community." – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
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Should Interns Be Paid?

What does an intern provide to a company and should they be paid for their work?

If you've ever searched for an internship, you know how rare it is to find one that's paid. Usually, the associated advertisements focus on how potential interns will benefit by working as part of the team at a top company, learning skills they'll use for the rest of their lives, and networking with notable people.

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What Millennials and Older Generations Need to Realize About Political Correctness

We're all getting something wrong when we view political correctness as fundamentally opposed to free speech.

Few issues have divided the nation further than the free speech vs. political correctness debate.

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