
What Does Freedom Truly Mean?

The meaning of freedom varies from person to person, so what does it mean for all?

Freedom is a fundamental element of liberty. It's a concept, a value, a feeling.

"The Four Freedoms are fundamentally at odds. Freedom of speech and worship involve only the individual who makes a choice to act – or not to act – while freedom from want and fear requires society to take collective action, and for us to be responsible for one another. The freedom we enjoy as individuals is possible only in and through our community." – Franklin Delano Roosevelt
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5 Powerful People Inspired by Martin Luther King

Decades after Dr. King was assassinated, his legacy continues to inspire. Who have the strongest voices fighting for his vision?

In the decades since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, his legacy has only gained momentum as activists and everyday citizens fight against prejudicial policies that would scale back his vision of equality.

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What Some French Women Misunderstand About #MeToo

100 prominent French women have signed an open letter arguing that the #MeToo movement has gone too far.

The #MeToo movement, first sparked by allegations against Hollywood heavyweights like Harvey Weinstein, has shown Americans just how many of us are survivors of sexual violence. Not only did #MeToo empower women to talk about our experiences with abuse and harassment, but it also inspired many employers to work toward creating a safer, more equitable workplace.

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Oh yeah....I AM Black

An honest reflection on race, inequality, and justice in America

February 26, 2018 will mark the six year anniversary of Trayvon Martin's death. His killer, George Zimmerman, was acquitted of all charges on July 13, 2013. The tale of unarmed black men being killed in America is one that seems to be never-ending. Stories of unarmed African Americans being gunned down at the hands of law enforcement circulate throughout the news cycle as frequently as weather updates.

Trayvon became a martyr at only 17 years old. His death was the pinch that woke America up from the dream of "racial equality" that had been conjured with the election of our first Black president four years before his murder. The Dog-whistle-politics that stemmed from this case would've made Lassie's head explode. Rightwing talking heads went as far as to blame Trayvon's death on the hoodie he was wearing. Some feel that had he not been wearing said hoodie that made him look "suspicious," Martin would still be alive today.

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