
How the Internet Is Changing Your Brain

In a way, we're all living in the matrix: going through our days within an illusion of freedom when really our lives are completely dictated by technology.

Updated: 3/18/2024

40-odd years ago, there was no such thing as a cell phone, and the only computers in existence took up entire rooms. Then the World Wide Web was born.

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Karl Marx Gets Slimed: The Cult of Dall-E Mini

Someone please sew me a xenomorph beanie baby.

Dall-E Mini, the AI-powered text-to-image generator has taken over the internet. With its ability to render nearly anything your meme-loving heart desires, anyone can make their dreams come true.

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Researchers Have Created an AI Too Dangerous to Release. What Will Happen When It Gets Out?

The GPT-2 software can generate fake news articles on its own. Its creators believe its existence may pose an existential threat to humanity. But it could also present a chance to intervene.

Researchers at OpenAI have created an artificial intelligence software so powerful that they have deemed it too dangerous for public release.

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