Our Kids Left For College And We Signed Up For Nutrisystem

With our kids leaving for college, we’ve been enjoying less laundry, less cooking, and less mess. Though we really miss them, it’s pretty nice to only have to worry about ourselves for a change!

One thing you notice about having kids is how easy it is to put on weight while taking care of them. No wonder – serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner to three (four with my husband included) big boys who also happen to be sports enthusiasts meant eating heavy meals all day, every day. But that’s over now. I’m ready to stop eating meals that make me feel lethargic and spend my days somewhere other than the kitchen.

Our friends told us about a weight loss program they recently signed up for that delivers pre-packaged meals right to your door: Nutrisystem. Of course, we’ve heard of Nutrisystem but were still skeptical. While everything they told us about the food and their proven weight loss plans sounded interesting, I had my doubts.

I looked into Nutrisystem when we got home and had some questions. First of all, how could I possibly lose weight while eating six times a day? Secondly, I doubted their food would taste good. And lastly, pre-packaged meals are usually high in fat and carbs and contain lots of additives – not for me!

However, our friends were really adamant about how great the food was and how easy it made weeknight meals for them so I went ahead and gave it a go.

To my surprise, I saw that Nutrisystem meals and snacks deliver very balanced nutrition. Their meal plans are high in protein with lower-glycemic nutrition; perfect for feeling satiated and fighting hunger. They have 130+ meals to choose from, like Chicken Bianca Pizza, Asian-Style Salmon With Pasta, Bourbon-Style Chicken and Chicken & Grain Bowl. They even have Classic Hamburgers and Red Velvet Cupcakes, which my husband can't get enough of! Not to mention that there’s little to no preparation required. All I have to do is heat and eat.

After mulling it over, I decided to sign up for only $12.75 a day per person, which isn’t bad at all – especially for the ease and convenience of our meals being delivered right to our door.

Our box arrived right on time and included everything we were supposed to eat for the following weeks – breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and even snacks. The plan was designed to reboot our bodies and fire up the weight loss process. We thought it would be challenging to stick to their meals, but we were shocked to find the opposite was true.

All Nutrisystem meals are perfectly portioned so we weren’t starving and constantly looking for snacks. Furthermore, their meals took only minutes to prepare, and everything we tried actually tasted surprisingly good. Their Hearty Inspirations® dinners were our favorites by far — sooo delicious! While other frozen meals are bland and end up soggy, Nutrisystem’s were rich, flavorful, and tasty.

I’m obsessed with their NuMi® app which says a lot since I rarely use apps! It has tons of features that allow us to track our progress and keep us motivated. It’s very informative, and you even have access to Weight Loss Coaches for one-on-one support– not to mention their fantastic blog, The Leaf, which I love to read every night before bedtime. I always find beneficial tips and interesting new recipes!

Thanks to Nutrisystem, my husband and I lost around 12 pounds together in our first month!* And it wasn’t even hard! But the best part for me was to finally have time to do things I haven’t been able to do in years. I’m getting pedicures, reading books, and spending quality time with my husband!

If you’re looking to save time and money, and lose some pounds on the way, you have to give Nutrisystem a try!

UPDATE: The awesome folks at Nutrisystem are extending a new special offer to our readers. Save 50% OFF Two Months Of Nutrisystem Meals & Shakes!

*In a study, average weight loss was 9.2lbs in one month

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