
Doomscrolling - How To Escape The Infinite Feed

Why doomscrolling only makes you miserable

It’s 3am wherever you are. You are fully awake - it’s high noon in your brain and there’s a shootout on Main Street. You’re anxious about the state of the world. Poised between desperate optimism, “It’s got to get better, right?” and hope-destroying pessimism, “The world is a hellscape”, you find yourself obsessively checking and rechecking your various news feeds to see what’s going on right now.

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What’s killing your creativity?

The imagination is valuable, and we must clear space to let it live and thrive.

As children, our creativity is boundless. We have a few things that fuel it: energy, curiosity, and a passion for the make-believe. When I was a kid, I filmed my stuffed animals in hyper-human situations. I pretended to ride horses with my friends around the playground. I looked out over the slide to watch giant sea beasts. I pretended I lived in the 18th century, speaking in a foreign tongue. I drew cartoons of talking amoebas. None of it was real, and I loved it.

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