
3 Ways to Overturn a Supreme Court Decision

(From The Archives) Despite being the highest court in the land, let's remember that Supreme Court decisions can be—and have been—overturned.

The Supreme Court has handed down a handful of controversial decisions.

These include Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. As expected, many on the right were quick to criticize the Court. But the Supreme Court isn't a newbie. Justices, both past and present, have handed down disruptive decisions.

But these decisions, while irrevocable, are not exactly permanent.
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Media Musings: Supreme Court and covering court cases

Court cases you should know about

The Supreme Court's term ended with several huge decisions in cases dealing with abortion, affirmative action and immigration. With several hot-button issues being examined, the Supreme Court has been front page news for several days.

Two colleagues discuss mistakes made in reporting on court cases and how to avoid them.

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4 Historic Supreme Court Cases You Should Know

Knowing and understanding how these cases affect your life is important to understanding your freedoms.

The Supreme Court hands down decisions every year, but not every one makes history. Here are four landmark cases to know:

1. Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

This decision ended segregation in public schools. Prior to this decision, "separate but equal" had been the law of the land. Meaning, segregation was legal as long as the education institutions were on equal footing. However, in Brown v. Board, the Supreme Court overturned its past precedent in saying, "Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." Now, segregation of schools by race is unconstitutional.

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